Tyne Valley – Meals on Wheels

Serving Area: Tyne Valley


Lorraine Barlow, Coordinator
(902) 831-2525

Patricia Millar, Assistant
(902) 888-5736

Quick FAQs:

Delivery Area: Tyne Valley Meals on Wheels delivers to the Tyne Valley area, which includes Grand River, Richmond, and Foxley River areas. If you are not sure that you are close enough to these locations, give us a call at (902) 831-2525.

Cost: $5.00 per meal.

Signing Up: Give Lorraine a call at (902) 831-2525. Alternatively, you can call Patricia at (902) 888-5736.

Information needed: We will take your information (contact information, dietary restrictions, days you would like to receive meals, etc) and do our best to get you on the schedule as soon as possible. If we are currently at capacity for serving meals, we can put you on a waitlist.

Payment: We accept cash and cheque.

Meal Details: The meals consist of an entree, a starch side (bread), and a dessert. For example, you may receive meat and potatoes with a bread roll and a dessert.

Delivery/Pickup: Meals are delivered directly to you at your door. We do require that you be present to receive your meal. Meals are delivered Tuesday and Thursdays.

Eligibility: In order to become a Meals on Wheels Member, you must have an identified need such difficulty with or unable to prepare your own meals.

Volunteering: Interested? Call Lorraine at (902) 831-2525. Alternatively, you can call Patricia at (902) 888-5736.