Serving Area: Souris
Merlin Clements, Coordinator
(902) 215-0269
(902) 687-7096
Quick FAQs:
Delivery Area: Souris Meals on Wheels delivers to the Souris area and 2km outside of Souris. If you are not sure if you are close enough to Souris to receive meals, give us a call at 902-687-7096 (Homecare).
Cost: $4.00 per meal
Signing Up: Sign up by calling Homecare at 902-687-7096
Information needed: We will take your information (contact information, dietary restrictions, days you would like to receive meals, etc.) and do our best to get you on the schedule. If we are currently at capacity for serving meals, we can put you on a waitlist.
Payment: Members are notified at the beginning of the month for their monthly bill. Volunteer drivers pick payment up during deliveries. Cash, online payment (e-transfer), and cheque are accepted forms of payment.
Meal Details: The meals consist of an entree, a starch side (bread), and a dessert. For example, you may receive meat and potatoes with a bread roll and a dessert.
Cancellations: Cancellations are accepted. Members will need to call the meal provider, Souris Hospital or Colville Manor, directly to cancel your meal. You must call by 9am the day of delivery if you would like to cancel your meal. If you call after that time to cancel a meal, we cannot guarantee that we can cancel the meal and you may still be charged for it.
Delivery/Pickup: Meals are delivered to you directly at your door. We do require you to be present to receive your meal. Meals are delivered daily (Sunday-Saturday).
Eligibility: In order to become a Meals on Wheels Member, you must be a senior, have an identified need or be housebound. Special circumstances will be considered.
Volunteering: Interested? Call Merlin at (902) 215-0269.