Serving Area: Cornwall and surrounding area
Doug & Allison Archbell, Coordinators
(902) 675-2970
Quick FAQs
Delivery Area: Meals on Wheels Cornwall & Area deliver to Cornwall and surrounding area, with a delivery radius of 10km-12km. If you are not sure if you are close enough to this location to receive meals, give us a call!
Cost: $5.00 per meal.
Signing Up: Call Doug or Allison at (902) 675-2970.
Information needed: We will take your contact information, dietary restrictions, days you would like to receive meals, etc.
Payment: Cash or cheque made payable to Cornwall & Area Meals on Wheels.
Meal Details: The meals consist of an entree, a starch side (bread, etc.), and a dessert.
Cancellations: We do take cancellations by phone at (902) 675-2970. You must call to cancel by 9:30am on the day of delivery. If you call after that time to cancel a meal, we cannot guarantee that we can cancel the meal and you may still be charged for it.
Delivery/Pickup: Meals are delivered directly to you at your door. We do require that you be present to receive your meal. Meals are delivered on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Eligibility: To become a Meals on Wheels Member you must be a senior or have an identified need. Special circumstances are considered.
Volunteering: Interested? Call Doug or Allison at (902) 675-2970!